Walking hand in hand- A global effort of socio-economic development
UNGPC puts its incessant efforts to bring global leaders and achievers for developing diplomatic relations.
Another fascinating year of extravaganza has unfolded in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with its International Seminar on Social & Economical Forum and CEO of the Year Award commenced on the 16th February’23 at Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights, Dubai, UAE. These awards serve as more than a means to honor and appreciate brilliant ideas and efforts. With its eminent guest list and cultural plethora, the awards stand out amongst all the UNGPC initiatives.
The United Nations Global Excellence Award is presented by United Nations Global Peace Council, shortly known as UNGPC is a selfless initiative by Abhigyane Foundation in affiliation with the United Nations and United Nations Global Marketing as global partners. Always being an ambassador of reforms, development and peacekeeping, UNGPC has once again spread its reaches to provide platforms for interactive learning and improving diplomatic relations amongst nations. International Seminar and business exchange programmes have been UNGPC’s tools for spreading its message of collective social-economic development amongst countries.
With the esteemed Chief Guest Mr. Yaqoob Ali, Executive director and Private Investor, Office of His Excellency Sheikh Juma Bin MaktoumAl Maktoum presiding over the awards the aura of the place completely matched its relevance with his influential presence. The CEO of the Year awards represented at the premises of Hyatt Regency Dubai Creek Heights, Dubai, UAE flamboyant with Dr. Mahara Lutfi , first Emirati Stem cell Doctor & Ambassador of Stem cells in UAE, Mr. Arif Bhaldar as the esteemed Guests of Honour the influence and universal growth and development seemed personified. The gracious presence was imminent and celebratory as the idea of the event gained momentum.
The event was to have a peaceful International Seminar & business exchanges between nations. It is ensured by transforming the award function into a meet and greet session to promote talks about socio-economic development by providing unique networking opportunities with global performers and achievers. The guests and awardees come together on this platform to share their visions and progress. United Arab Emirates and India, both the countries have been
embracing this opportune award function as a means to concur on better diplomatic and trade relations.
Knowing and enhancing each other’s vision with qualitative conversations have bettered the relations and strengthened the bonds between the two nations. United Nations Global Peace Council meticulously aims at securing bonds between neighbouring countries and other parts of the world. The awards are a means to appreciate and encourage the achievements of one another in various fields, which is the best and most peaceful way of diplomatic & Economical development.
The award function was graced by the presence of eminent awardees such as, Mr. PN Manisundar, Ms.Rekha Tippa, Mr.Arman Joshi, Mr. Yahya Ibrahim. Mr.Amit Sharda, Mr.Nadeem Khan, Mr.Azeem Ahmad and Ms. Himaani Chetaan.
Ms. Himaani was also the official PR partner at the International Seminar& CEO of the Year Award.
The list of Awardees also included notable figures like, Mr.Raza Siddique, Mr. Arif Bhaldar, Mr.Moiz Khan, M.S. Khan, Dr. Mitre Nejkov, Ms. Tahani were amongst many others who made it to the stage for awards bestowed upon them.
The award function started as the chief guest arrived along with the guest of honors. The formal proceedings of the International Seminar & CEO of the Year award were succeeded by a Gala Dinner night that further opened informal opportunities to build connections and get to know each other better. The socio-economic culture and business exchange program was a great success of its kind and more such initiatives and events were encouraged by all the attendees.
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