Guided 1000+ students for their career and taught them to succeed.
Initiating the Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test ( DMIT) test among the students for knowing their Inborn talent and skills. He believes that parents and teachers should be aware of the learning styles of child, the hidden talent, innate characteristics knowing these will help children to proceed in their career path.
The DMIT test reveals various characters of your child like left-right brain dominance, personality traits, etc. The DMIT test helps parents overcome a state where parents compare their child with their peers. The DMIT test helps you to know the right learning style to help you achieve great results.
DMIT Test Technique has long been developed by scientist Dr. Howard Gardner and medical experts. DMIT Analysis will be based on Neuroscience and Multiple Intelligence Theory. Know your Strength and weakness by DMIT Test Report based on Dermatoglyphics and brain analysis.
Also for the age group between 6 to 14 yrs children he is taking initiative to give the training on Mid Brain Activation
It brings out and strengthens characteristics such as creativity, memory, application skills, self-confidence, and the ability to concentrate. Midbrain activation improves learning efficiency several times, to maximize the ability of the brain. The memory of people with Activated Midbrain could be extraordinary.
Blindfold will be the part of Mid brain Activation. The ability to read blindfolded is a sign of their mid-brain being activated. Children are taught how to garner their concentration power during the workshop as this is a vital exercise to strengthen their mental power.
The theory of midbrain activation: Dr Makoto Shichida of Japan has developed the theory.As individuals grow older, the brain has a tendency to automatically lateralise.
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